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Monday, January 30, 2017

How to get the hippo pet in Island Experiment

  1. (Lock / button #1) The first requirement is easy - go join the official group if you haven’t already.
  2. (Lock / button #2) This is the tricky part - although it says “invite”, all you really need to do is get 5 friends to tag you from their hippo quests. Tagging requires that you must be FB friends first. Each person can only tag once, so it may be hard to find 5 people who are willing to tag you. Once someone tags you, you will need to refresh your game to see the new number in your hippo window.

    DO NOT CLICK THE SECOND BUTTON. IGNORE IT. You will need to ask friends in chat or in groups to tag you. Or use an alternate account and tag yourself from that account.

    If you want to use the alternate account method, be aware that the other account will have to play for a while before the hippo quest is available.You have to play until you get the blueberries uncovered, around early level 4-ish, maybe level 5. To get there faster, you can skip the second house, the sawmill, the stinky flowers and the 50 food quests. Do everything else and you will get there soon. You can also use gems to hurry the tasks you are doing to get done faster. Once the alternate account has reached the hippo and tagged your main account, do not delete the alternate account, or delete the game from the other account, until after you get your hippo. If you do, you will lose the tag that account gave. You can also go to the Official Group and add your name to the list of hippo tag requests. Don't count on this helping very much, because there are literally thousands of people on this list: See below for further instructions for doing these alternate accounts.
    Please, for everyone’s sanity, don’t clog chat or the help groups with tag requests every few minutes.
  3. (Lock / button #3) The easy one - you can only tag one person, and it can be ANYBODY. Simply type in the name of the person you wish to tag. Ignore the list of friends. Remember, you can only give out ONE tag. You must be FB friends with the person you wish to tag. When you ask someone to tag you, this is the button that they need to click from THEIR account. Do not tag anyone without checking first that they actually need the tag, or it will be wasted. If your hippo window has a "check" mark next to it (as in the picture below) then you have either used your tag, or you used the "skip" button on this section, and you no longer have a tag to offer to anyone. (Please note that your screen may vary slightly depending on how many tags you have received, how many neighbors you have, etc.)
  4. (Lock / button #4) Neighbors - neighbors are a game feature that are separate from “friends”. “Friends” are people that you have friended on FB itself. “Neighbors” stay in the game and even though they show up on your bar, you have no FB interaction with them at all. To fill this requirement, you must gain 15 IN-GAME neighbors, not FB friends. Read THIS ARTICLE for more information about friends vs. neighbors.
    To send requests, simply click the last button on the hippo quest. A box will pop up with 4 names on it. Click on any or all of them OR click the refresh in the lower right corner for new names. You can send out I think 45 invites at a time, and then sending is locked for a while. As people accept your requests, your number on the last section of the hippo quest will go up. You can also accept the requests that are sent to you to increase your neighbor number for the quest - these requests are found in the neighbors button at the end of the friend bar. You can only have 100 of these in-game neighbors.

    IF YOU ARE NOT GETTING YOUR REQUESTS ACCEPTED, TRY THIS: Click the neighbors button at the end of the friend bar, then click the tab with the big plus on it. Hit “Cancel” on all the existing requests. Then go to the tab with the magnifying glass and send out a new batch of requests.

    TO ACCEPT REQUESTS: Click the neighbors button and open the tab with the big plus. Any requests that have been sent to you will have the person’s name, picture and a big green ACCEPT button. Click the accept button to accept them as neighbors and they will count toward your quest.

    Please don’t be scared of adding these in-game neighbors, they don’t have access to your FB.
    HOW TO MAKE ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS TO GET TAGS: Instructions provided by the ever-helpful Miki, thanks Miki! PLEASE NOTE: Alternate accounts are actually against Facebook rules. If your alt accounts are found out, they will get rid of them. I don't know that your main account would be punished in any way, but just be careful if you use this route... don't do stupid things like spamming or scamming people. (A useful rule of thumb in all things!) BEFORE DOING ALT ACCOUNTS: See if any of your friends or family members will let you borrow their account for 20 or 30 minutes so you can play the game yourself and do these steps. This won't be against FB rules.
    I recommend using Chrome but these instructions work for any browser with an incognito/privacy mode.
    In Chrome, open up a new incognito window by clicking on the three dots in the top right below the X you use to close the window.
    Go to Gmail and create a new account.  The more believable the name, the better.  Keep that tab open.
    Open up a new tab, go to Facebook and create a new account using that email address.  Again, the more believable the name the better.  They have to deal with 1.3 billion accounts so unless you decided Crappy McUpyours was a good idea, you should be fine.
    After you've confirmed your new alt account and logged into FB, send a friend request to your real account.  THIS IS PARAMOUNT.  Do not start playing IE before both accounts are friended.  PM yourself to test.
    Now for the fun part.  Load up IE on your alt account.  Burn through the intro part where it forces you to click stuff.  
    Once you're over that, here's what you need to know:
    You only need one house, two fields, one workshop, and a boatload of food and wood. Keep one worker on food at all times.  (Use the free gems they give you if you're in a hurry for the food). Move the grass out of your way to get a better angle on the palm trees.
    To get the red berries, just clear out that one fern and pick through that one red berry plant with one worker.
    After you make the bridge all you have to do is collect five blueberries and you have your tag.
    Ignore the stinky plant quest, the second house quest, the sawmill, and the 50 food quest; also ignore any of the upgrades it tells you to do, and you can get your tag at level three in under 20 minutes. USE GEMS to hurry up things like food and the bridge to get done as quickly as possible... since you're not going to keep this game account, it doesn't hurt to spend gems to move things along a little faster.
    Don't bother to delete your alt email but do NOT delete your alt FB account.  If you do that, your tag goes poof.

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